Hospital Structure

The Royal Hospital Donnybrook (RHD) is one of the oldest continuously operating hospitals of its type in Ireland.  It is an independent, voluntary hospital run on a strictly not-for-profit basis. Established in 1743, it became a corporate body with its Royal Charter in 1800. The latest amendment to the charter was in 1991, which gave the hospital its current name and refined governance structures.

The primary governing body is the Board of Management.  This Board comprises a mix of Governors of the hospital and up to five members from public bodies such as Councillors of Dublin City Council (for their term of office).This Board work in an entirely voluntary capacity, taking on corporate responsibility for the hospital whilst giving freely of their time and skills to fulfil the mission of the hospital.

The Honorary Officers of the Board are:

Chairman: Conor O'Connor
Vice-Chairman: Dorothy MacCann
Honorary Treasurer: Naomi Holland

Contact: Corporate & Patient Services Manager -Ramona Michis

Day to day management of the hospital is delegated by the Board of Management to the Chief Executive Officer Deirdre Hogan, who can be contacted at 01 4066 629 or [email protected].